Was Donald Trump’s cruise missile attack on Syria just a PR stunt?

Sašo Ornik
3 min readApr 9, 2017


Here is a fact. Just one day after American attack on a Syrian Shayra airbase, from which an alleged chemical attack against outskirts of small rebel held town Khan Shaikhun in Idlib province was launched, warplanes started operating from it again. Those 59 Tomahawk missiles did only limited damage. Some airplanes destroyed, all together 14 killed, among them civilians from a nearby village. Russian reporter on sight found the runway mostly undamaged.

Russians quickly claimed, only 23 of 59 cruise missiles reached the airbase and as it is clear, Syrian and Russian air defences remained inactive, none was shot down. Explanation goes, those missiles malfunctioned, because they were old. Americans on the other hand claimed, all reached their targets.

There is talk, that Russian soldiers were at the airbase and were warned, attack was comming. And if Russians knew, they didn’t keep it a secret from their Syrian partners. So the airbase was evacuated on time. That does not explain the small damage, or that many of the airplanes survived the attack. But it explains, why air defences were quiet. Because the Russians and Syrians must have known, attack was to be limited. They may have been told that bluntly and had to make a quick decision, not to fire back, but they were nonetheless forwarned.

Syrian warplanes started operating from the attacked airbase in less than 24 hours. Photo Evgeny Poddubnyy

Again, why was damage to the airbase small? If American cruise missiles didn’t malfunction, the best explanation is, Trump decided, it would be the best course of action. American media would jump from joy, that US is bombing Syrians, while the damage to relations with Russians would remain as small as possible. It is no secret, Donald Trump is attacked on all fronts and his ratings are low. Why then not give to his critics something, that they obviously desire: a military confrontation in Syria? It is also a way to prove, he is not Putins agent. It is almost like the American president launched a limited strike, costing milions of $ and some lives, just to produce a fireworks for the media and all those US politicians, who are pushing for a larger US intervention in Syria. And yes, reactions to his attack mostly were positive.

That’s just a theory, of course. Trump is under immense pressure to strike in Syria and seek a confrontation with the Russians. He has filled his cabinet with many people, who want just that. It could be, he just gave in and went with the program and that we can expect more actions in the future. American soldiers allready are on the ground in Syria, and the rebels there have been receiving help from abroad, including the US, for the entire time of the civil war. It could be, that in the comming months, Americans will get more involved in the Syrian civil war, even trying to impose a no flight zone, so coming in direct confrontation with Russian air force. It is also clear, Syrian government, Russians and Iranians, will not give in, no matter what.



Sašo Ornik
Sašo Ornik

Written by Sašo Ornik

Blogger. Trying to improve my English. What better way to do that, than to translate comments from my Slovenian blog or write new ones.

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