Attack on fake news is just one step towards censorship
Lies and manipulations online and in the media, are nothing new. Expecting, that everybody is telling the truth all the time, is very naive and in reality, people should be made aware, that there is always a war on, a war for the interpretation of the world, all for the sake of this or that interests. Half truths and outright lies are being told on a daily basis.
The problem of fake news got highlighted because of Donald Trumps victory in US presidential elections and went hand in hand with fears of Russian media manipulations and hacking activities. It is true, that many rumors have been spread online regarding Hillary Clinton, be it her health, Saudi financing of Clinton foundation or even Bill Clintons sexual escapades, not mentioning some even wilder conspiracy theories. Because of the power of the internet, they couldn’t be totaly ignored by mainstream media and at least some coverage was given. Even if it would be ignored, people would still find out about it. The theory goes, that because of those fake news, somehow Donald Trump got just enough support in key US states, to carry the victory over Hillary Clinton.
But, we must ask ourselves, is that the main reason, we are more and more subjected to debates about fake news and what to do about them? It is not.
Donald Trump has been almost universaly vilified by the mainstream media. He has been mocked and assaulted time and time again, compared almost to a new Hitler, building a fascist America, a dangerous man, that must be stopped at all cost. It did not help, he still won the election.
I am not here, to make a judgment on Donald Trump, whom I do not support. Rather, what I see is, is a great fear amongst the media elites, that their best days are long over and that their power, to shape public opinion, is shattered. Which it is. No longer can The New York Times or CNN or Washington Post or whoever, destroy a politician, who they deem dangerous, as they tried with Donald Trump. People just don’t listen. No amount of fact checking helps. No satire. No insult. Nothing.
It is about status. Mainstream media had a certain power in society. Gatekepeers, if you want, who could ridicule or ignore people, not part of the elites, with funny or dangerous opinions. Those times have passed. Now there are masses online, who can publish their own blogs, comment on twitter or facebook, make their own videos, communicate with each other, bypassing mainstream media. In a world, where elites of any kind are hated and trust in the media is very low, that means, that an opinion of some guy online, can have as much power, as all your assembled experts on evening news. And that hurts.
The same goes for russian media, aimed at foreing audiences. It is not true, that RT or Sputnik, would be somehow more inclined to manipulations, as say, BBC or CNN. Sure, they have their own spin, but so do their western counterparts. The main problem is, for western mainstream media, and politicians as well, that they shater their media monopoly. They tell a different story. Exactly as alternative websites do at home, so russian media are decreasing the power of mainstream media, to shape public opinion.
So we at last come to fake news.
Something must be done. Publicly it is declared, that lies and manipulations must stop, for the sake of truth. But in reality, alternatives must be stopped, so that the power to shape public perception, doesn’t erode further. Here come lists, like that unfortunate one The Washington Post promoted, on behalf of some shady organisation, PropOrNot, branding many alternative news sites as some kind of useful idiots for Russian propaganda. Or EU Parliaments resolution on fighting Russian propaganda. Or calls to limit the exposure to fake news on Facebook. Or fighting ‘hate speech’. And so on.
This are first steps towards censorsip. Of course, it will not be called as such, and it will be packaged as some noble fight for truth, but in the end it will still amount to censorship. It is a big question, if in this day and age, a purge of dissenting voices is even possible. No doubt, a society, which tries to silence its part, to maintain the power of the rulling class, is jeopardising its freedom.